Monday, October 10, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 10

This is just about the scariest aria I've ever heard in my life. It's also one of the most gorgeous. Something about the pure evil mixed with the religious devotion just scares the hell out of me.

I should probably just throw in the towel and admit that I need to see Tosca, even though it will undoubtedly reduce me to a quivering heap of uncontrolled sobbing. Seriously. I can hardly listen to the music without losing it. Luckily I hear that Covent Garden is putting out a dvd of the Terfel/Kaufmann/Georghiu lineup they had this summer, so that'll probably be the one I buy and watch. And sob hysterically over. I'm listening to Kaufmann's E Lucevan le stelle now and man, is it heartbreaking.

Speaking of Kaufmann, guess who I get to see perform on Wednesday? ;) I will try to overcome my shyness and dislike of irritating people and ask for a picture and an autograph. I might never forgive myself if I don't. But you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll blog the entire concert to death.


Lucy said...

YES! Give way to Tosca! The "Te deum" is uniquely creepy; don't forget the sexual fantasies mixed in there with the pure evil and the religious devotion.

Fun fact about seeing operas from standing room: you can tell the moments when a particular performance makes you weak at the knees. *cough* Recondita armonia *cough* Have a great time on Wednesday!

Christie said...

@Lucy: I may have to hold out for this production though. It helps that I'm not a Georghiu fan: I won't feel as sorry for her Tosca as I do others'. Or maybe she's surprise me and I'll just be even more hysterical than I'm planning.

One that got me weak in the knees was "Die Walkure", the end of that love scene. If I'd been standing after he pulled that sword out, I'd have fallen over. :)

shapta-dakini said...

lucky you - a great line-up with Barenboim in the Rossini, and the Remarkable One tomorrow - will be thinking of you Weds evening..........don't faint, just smile and say thank you...... (then faint.....)

As Lucy says - we want everything in teeny-tiny detail - have a great time. I don't know the Liszt stuff very well - let us know what you think.....

Lovely pics of the Lieder recital with JK on the 7th, on the unofficial website. He and Barenboim seem to have a wonderful rapport - very special.