Saturday, January 12, 2013

What I nabbed from home

You know how when you travel, you bring things back with you? And how, when you move places, you pack everything you own into boxes and shlepp it along? A little known story is that when I moved to Europe two years ago, everything I brought fit into a single carry-on suitcase (my father managed to spectacularly screw over my luggage allowance; don't ask). So when I went home to California this Christmas (for the first time since moving here), I knew I'd be taking back with me everything that I needed and had to leave behind.

Here's a short list of what made it into my suitcase:

*42 books-novels, biographies, yoga manuals, picture books (for my job)
*8 pairs of shoes, including a pair of strappy gold evening shoes and a pair of extremely strappy leather tango heels
*6 bars of Dr. Bronner peppermint soap (love that stuff, can't get it here)
*2 pairs of my mother's bed sheets and pillowcases
*8 magazines, for writing, yoga, and cooking
*1 bottle organic vanilla, because the Germans do not cook with liquid vanilla
*3 posters: the above painting, a Met "Sonnambula" poster, and one other that I bought at the Met museum and never opened. I don't know what it is but I'm sure I'll like it.
*A blanket
*All the stuff I'd brought with me originally

All that fit into my trusted carry-on, my enormous suitcase (brought mostly empty for this very purpose) and my back pack. Alas, I was not able to fit my Japanese teapot and four matching teacups into any bag, but I'll get them this summer. My apartment now looks like a bomb went off, but I have my books, and my shoes, and I am happy.


AngrboĆ°a said...

Does that mean you're coming back this summer?

Christie said...

No, Mom's coming to me. Sorry!!

Raisa said...

Christie, without knowing it, you influenced my choice of soap tonight. As I was running through Whole Foods Market tonight I remembered Dr.B's peppermint soap that you mentioned and got it. It is a great soap - thanks for a good recommendation.
As for bringing stuff from home, when I went back to Russia a few years ago, I brought back a bag filled with my childhood books and old Christmas ornaments that had lived in our family for as long as I remembered. I felt like the happiest person on the planet "carrying on" that bag.

Christie said...

@Raisa: Isn't it delicious? I love it; may just have to buy a whole case of it on Amazon, since they don't sell it here.
I didn't know you were from Russia! How cool! I do the same thing with family things whenever my mom starts to reorganize and downsize. I'm like "You can't donate that, it is an integral part of my childhood!" And it comes home with me.

Raisa said...

Absolutely! By any chance, is there a peppermint lotion that you know of?
Yeah, I know the feeling. It makes me complete and happy reading my childhood books to my son and putting those old ornaments on the tree. It's like I am more me if I have my "old" world around.
In a couple of days I'll celebrate my 13th anniversary in the US. ( Well, not really, no celebration planned. But - maybe I should buy myself another Dr. B's product. I am becoming a fan.

Christie said...

@Raisa: I don't know of any peppermint lotions: I'm looking for one myself! A good trick I used to do it to put a bit of essential oil into unscented lotion. I'm thinking of doing that with peppermint oil.

I can't wait to read my childhood books to my kids (there's something I never thought I'd say!). And Happy Anniversary! Go buy yourself some more Dr. B's and enjoy it!

Raisa said...

Thank you!!!!