Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy (somewhat belated) New Year!

Here, have a picture of Jonas Kaufmann in sparkles.:-)

Guys, I am home in California, and it is a riot. It's also really weird. I keep hearing English and Spanish instead of German and Turkish, and it's bizarre. Luckily, I am in the land of books, yoga, tamales, books, hot chocolates the size of my arm, books, my public library, my library's classical music section, books, In-n-Out cheeseburgers, funky avant-garde indie bookstores, buskers, books, and family. And books. Did I mention those?

I'm glad I brought home my giant, empty, suitcase, because it's being filled up with all of the lovely things (yoga magazine, a selection of my favorite books, organic soaps and shampoos that smell of peppermint and lavender...). I love California so much, especially the Monterey-Santa Cruz-San Jose triangle that I live in...but I find myself missing Berlin and the students I teach. Not the cold, though. It's so warm here it's disgusting (minimum 50 Farenheit, and people FREAK OUT about it, let me tell you).

More later, if anything interesting happens. Ciao for now!


villagediva said...

Happy New year Christie! May 2013 bring merriment and dreams that come true. Great pic of JK, who seems to be in the stratosphere again, and totally joyous. The NYE Fledermaus at Munchen must have been a riot - sigh........

And California sounds wonderful - but somehow I am glad that the suitcase of goodies and your students in Berlin mean that you are returning to Europe, which is not far away from anywhere.

Can you believe that there are tickets still available for Parsifal at the Met in February - but I am not planning to make the trip to NYC! We will have to rely on a detailed report from Lucy at OO.

Christie said...

@villagediva: Happy New Year! I SO wish that they had recorded that Fledermaus: apparently he came in on a cloud, then appeared again in the jail scene singing cheesy songs. Totally unfair to have put JK in a comic situation and then not film it!

I'm going home in a week, back to Berlin. Just home for the holidays! I love it here, but I can't move back: too expensive and just not for me.

Strange about the Parsifal tickets. I can't wait to see the HD and hear from Lucy about it!

Gale Martin said...

Love the photo, Christie. Welcome back to the States